If you need additional information, please visit ASES website through the ASES button
Your Responsibilities
You have the responsibility to:
- Understand the information in your Enrollee Handbook and other papers that First Medical sends you.
- Give your doctor your health records and let them know about any changes in your health so that they can take care of you.
- Follow your doctor’s instructions. If you can’t follow your doctor’s instructions, let them know.
- Let your doctor know if you don’t understand something.
- Help to make decisions about your health care.
- Communicate your Advance Directive so your doctors know how you want to be treated if you are too sick to say so.
- Treat your health care provider and First Medical staff with respect and dignity.
- Let First Medical know if you have another insurance company that should pay your medical care.
- Let ASES know if you find out about a case of Fraud and Abuse in Vital.